As a young boy, had a dream to open up his own store in the USA. Roman had started to experiment with repairing his grandmother's old watches. As Roman got older he began his first job as a jeweler in Russia. He would melt gold and make new jewelry pieces out of them. He worked there for 20 years and had managed to save up enough money to move with his parents to New York and open a place on 47ST.
Starting off with Jewelry Repair. Over the years Roman had started polishing Jewelry, doing engraves and 2 years ago Roman had started selling and buying watches.
Feel free to browse through our site and if you have anything that you would like to purchase, repaired, engraved reach out to us!
Jewelry Repair
* Please Note: If An item you would like
engraved is not listed above, please
contact us
We understand the frustration when your favorite jewelry piece breaks. That's why at We Frosty Repair's guarantee that we can repair mostly anything! We do everything from Ring Sizing to laser soldering.
Feel free to reach out to us and we will get your jewelry looking like it is brand new